March 2017 Newsletter

I hope this newsletter finds you well in the Lord.  As I write this letter there are 100 volunteers and staff staying here at the camp.  For three weeks, these folks from different states, are going in to our surrounding counties to do mission work.  They are using the camp facilities to sleep and eat their meals.  What a blessing to be able to serve groups like this.  They are college kids choosing to come to Kentucky to serve, instead of going to Florida and the beach.  Facilitating mission teams is only a small part of our ministry here at the camp.  Besides these groups, we are also hosting church retreats and planning for summer camp.  We have begun preparations to build a 2’000 square foot dorm.  A construction team is coming in April to frame the building.  More teams are scheduled this summer to finish the building.  

As I entered the dining hall this morning, and saw all these college students it reminded me of my college days many years ago.  The Lord brought to mind the congregation of Flint Baptist Church near Murray, Kentucky that invested in my life while I went to college.  I thought about Hal and Sandra Rice who picked me up 3 times a week to go to church, when I had no car to drive.   We all have to make decisions on where we are going to invest our time and treasure.  For all of us who have invested our time, prayers and money into this camp, we are now seeing the results, we are seeing souls saved, lives transformed and communities changed for the better.  Since 1981, Laurel Lake Baptist Camp has been serving the Southeastern Kentucky region, and beyond, in the name of Christ.  We hope to continue to build on that service by continuing the vision which the Lord has set before us.  As another summer approaches please continue to pray for the camp.  Without your continued investment and involvement, we cannot do what we do.   In Psalms 127 vs 1 It tells us “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh in vain.”

As we pray for the future let us pray for God’s will be to done, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!” 


Your partner in ministry,

Pat Callahan